Ways to Prevent a Stalled Labor

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Personally, C-sections terrified me. The recovery is worse and makes life with a newborn so much harder (shout out to all the mom’s who do this! You are true heroes!). As I wanted to avoid a C-section, I looked into ways I could prevent this. I soon realized that I needed to be prepared in case I have a stalled labor.

Did you know, the leading cause of C-sections is having a stalled labor? That’s crazy!! A total of 35% of Caesarean births are caused by their labor stalling (source).

So, what if there were techniques you could use to help you progress? Well, the good news is that there are ways to help you progress in labor.

Now, I wish I could make guarantees here but I can’t. You may need to have a C-section and it may be necessary and that’s ok. It happens. I’m so glad we live in a time where we can have safe C-sections. I’m just one of those people that would rather try everything in my power before going under the knife.

Here are some techniques you can use if your labor is stalling or failing to progress.

***This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love.  Before implementing any health advice, please check with your doctor first as I am not a medical professional.  Read my full policy for more information.

Drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Now, you probably won’t be able to drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea while you’re in the hospital so be sure to drink this during your early labor at home. I really believe this helped my labors progress fast and effectively.

I started drinking this Red Raspberry Leaf Tea later on in my second trimester. First, I would drink a cup a day and increased it to 2 a day later in my third trimester. It’s been known to “tone” your uterus so you can have a more effective labor.

Be sure to get the go-ahead from your doctor before you start drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea to ensure it is safe for you.

Before heading to the hospital, I steeped 3 tea bags for an hour and drank it on the way there. Sure enough, I was in labor for just 1 hour before giving birth to my third baby.

rrlt for natural birth


I know, a lot easier said than done but this is an important step in helping your labor progress. If you’re not relaxed and you’re stressed out, your body will tense up. That won’t help! When you’re tense, you will be tight and closed which is not what you want when you are giving birth.

You’ll want to be open and loose! Relaxing is best. Personally, I would listen to birthing affirmations on the HypnoBirthing download and it would calm me down instantly.

preparing for natural birth

Let Go of Fear

So, for my second birth, I got stuck at 9 and a half cm for 2 hours. Yea, it sucked! The reason I was stuck?, FEAR! I was completely terrified of the next stage (the baby coming out stage! Aarrgghh!!). I was scared that it would hurt too much. I could barely handle this pain, I didn’t think I could handle anymore. So, my baby didn’t come.

I had to face my fear and relax. As soon as I let go of my fear, I grabbed onto the hospital bed as my baby was on his way out. It didn’t take long and the pain was over! I did it!!

Fear can hold you back! Let it go!

Light Touch Massage

My husband was seriously amazing at this! It felt so good when he was scratching my back lightly. It helped me relax and keep calm. Light touch massage can release the important endorphins that can help your labor progress.

The Bradley Method teaches light touch massage as they know how effective it can be during labor. This is definitely worth a try!!

Keep Moving

Walking is great when your labor is stalled. Gravity and pressure are the perfect combos to help keep things moving while you’re in labor. I always walked around during labor and it helped so much. When I arrived at the hospital, I was offered a wheelchair. I declined this as I wanted to help my labor progress.

I walked slowly and stopped every time I had a contraction so I could focus through it. Personally, I really think this helped my labor progress and prevent my labor from stalling.

Birthing Ball

I loved my birthing ball through pregnancy. If your labor has stalled, sit and lightly bounce on your birthing ball. This can help your baby “drop” and engage into the right position.

My second and third babies didn’t engage until I was in labor. They were pretty high up until I went into active labor. This is normal for subsequent babies. My first baby engaged at 37 weeks but she didn’t arrive until 40.5 weeks!

I think bouncing on my ball for my second and third babies helped them engage quicker which helped the labors continue.

pregnancy exercise

Nipple Stimulation

This was a little out there for me personally, but it does make sense! Nipple stimulation can help you contract and get your labor going. I did use a breast pump once I was overdue and I went into labor the next day. Now, it may have been a coincidence, but I did have Braxton Hicks while I was pumping so it could have helped me go into labor.

You can also have your partner help you with this part if you are at the hospital. Just ask for some private time and see if it works for you!

Use Essential Oils

I love essential oils! The ones I use smell so good!  Now, I have to be real with you here…they won’t magically take away the pain. I’m sorry! But essential oils may help you relax which is the key to the progress of your labor.

Clary Sage and Jasmine are perfect as they help your body contract. These oils can be effective so be sure to only use this when you are full term.

I loved using Clary Sage and I diffused it the day before my due date and had my baby right when he was due. It could have been a coincidence or using the Breastpumps as well..who knows?! So no guarantee it will work for you. Just another thing to try before you’re asked to go under the knife!

Unfortunately, not all essential oils are created equal and some brands may not be safe for you and your baby. Find out more about the safety of essential oils in pregnancy here.

essential oils in pregnancy

What to Avoid


If you go to the hospital too early, they may ask you if you would like to be induced. Say no unless medically necessary. Inductions can actually increase the chances of having a C-section so be careful here!

Natural methods are a lot better for you so try those first.

And remember, inductions don’t always work. It’s best to try other methods first. Your baby will come out eventually!

Breaking Your Waters

Breaking your waters too early can cause more harm than good. Yes, it can help get the baby out faster in some cases but when your water breaks, the timer starts. If you surpass that time, you will end up having a C-section.

Try to let your waters break naturally if possible. My second baby did need a little help though and this can happen. I was stuck at 9 and a half cm and my waters wouldn’t break and I wasn’t progressing.

My labor nurse was given permission to try to break them with her fingers and couldn’t. My doctor had to try 4 times with a fishhook before my waters broke.

While it did help, I still didn’t progress as I was too fearful of the next stage. Once I let go of my fear, my baby was ready!

Manually breaking your waters can help if you are further along and your water bag is tough! Otherwise, try to avoid doing it during the early stages of labor.

water breaking

Being prepared will help you so much. Research and know your options. Midwives are amazing if you are really trying to avoid c-sections.

My doctor knew my wishes and I fully trusted her and she was great during my natural births. Pick the right provider and let them know your wishes as early as possible. They may need to change for health reasons but they can help you through it!

I hope this helps! Good luck mama to be!!

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