The Ultimate List of Birthing Affirmations

pregnant woman holding belly
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Having a natural birth is tough. Honestly, giving birth in general is tough! When I decided to take the plunge and try to have a natural birth, I was dedicated to making it work out. I did a lot of preparations to give myself a better chance at succeeding. Find out what I did to prepare for my natural birth here.

One of the preparations that really helped me through my tough labor was learning some birthing affirmations. Every contraction I had, I kept saying a particular affirmation again and again. It really helped me through each contraction mentally.

Here is a list of birthing affirmations that I memorized that helped me through my natural birth:

natural birth affirmations

***This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love.  Before implementing any health advice, please check with your doctor first as I am not a medical professional.  Read my full policy for more information.

I can do anything for 1 minute

I loved this one! This is the affirmation that got me through my third labor. My third labor was intense. It was HARD! I prepared just as I did for my second birth but for some reason, the pain was a lot more intense this time around.

What helped me the most, was saying “I can do anything for 1 minute” over and over again. Just saying it gave me the strength to see it through.

I can do anything for 1 minute

This too shall pass

Once your baby is out, the intense pain is gone. You will not feel like this forever! Hooray!! Honestly, the pain does suck but it comes and goes. Your contraction will pass and you’ll feel ok for a while until you feel the next one.

Enjoy those breaks and remember that each contraction will pass. You can, and you will get through this.

This too shall pass

I trust my body as it knows just what to do

Your body will naturally do the work. All you need to do is relax and let your body take over. Your body was built for this moment. Trust in your body and let go of your fear.

Can’t remember where I heard this, but there was a woman in a coma and the hospital staff had no idea she was pregnant until they discovered a baby on her bed. She had naturally given birth without any assistance from herself or anyone else. Her body naturally expelled the baby by itself. Crazy, I know, but your body knows what to do.

I trust my body as it knows just what to do

I can do this

It may be a simple affirmation but it can boost your confidence. You can do this. Don’t let fear hold you back.

I can do this

I put my fears to one side

Fear is the worst thing you can experience in labor and it can hold you back. Fear causes tension which will in turn slow things down. Whatever fear you are experiencing, let it go.

When I was in labor with my second baby, I got stuck at 9 and a half cm for 2 hours. The reason…I was fearful of the next stage. I felt like I could barely handle this pain so how can I cope with the pain of the baby coming out?

The tension caused me to stall. Not fun. I released my fears and listened to my labor nurse. Once my fear was over, my baby literally came. I did it!!

Just let it go mama! You got this!!

I put my fears to one side

I am calm and relaxed

Yep, the secret to having a successful natural birth is to remain calm and relaxed. the problem is, this is definitely easier said than done. When your body is feeling intense pressure and discomfort, it is hard to remember that you need to be relaxed.

That’s why you have to “train your mind” so you go into deep relaxation at any given moment. HypnoBirthing is a great method for this. Find out about other birthing methods to help keep you relaxed here.

I am calm and relaxed

Each surge is one step closer to meeting my baby

So, in some methods, they eliminate the word “contraction” as it is deemed as a negative word. Instead, they change the word to “surge” as it’s a more positive way of thinking. I personally used the word contractions as I didn’t see it as a negative word at it didn’t really phase me.

This affirmation worked great for me in my second labor. I looked at my “surges” in a positive way and thought of the excitement of meeting my baby soon.

Instead of dreading my contractions, I embraced them as I knew it was a sign that I will soon meet my baby.

Each Surge Is One Step Closer to Meeting My Baby

I breathe out tension, I breathe in relaxation

This affirmation is a great visual aid in releasing that tension you may have. It can also help you concentrate on your breathing instead of the pain you may be experiencing.

Distraction can definitely help when you’re feeling the discomfort and pain of birth.

I breathe out tension I breathe in relaxation

I am happy that my baby is finally coming to me

With all the craziness of labor going on, you can easily forget that you have been waiting for this moment. Positive thinking makes a huge difference in your labor and channeling those positive thoughts and energy will help you have a more positive birth.

My second baby was a little over a week late and I was starting to worry that I would need to be induced. When I went into labor, I was so excited that I wouldn’t need to be induced. This really helped with the labor process and I actually had an amazing experience with it as I was overjoyed that I went into natural labor!

I am haapy that my baby is finally coming to me

I am relaxed, I am safe

Feeling safe can really help you let go of fear. Remember that your body was meant for this moment and you are surrounded (hopefully) by some experienced health professionals that will make your health and your baby’s health a priority. They will care for you and your best interests. Trust that you are safe and in good hands.

I am relaxed and safe

Your body is ready for this moment

Here is your time to shine mama. Your body was designed for this and you are prepared for this moment. Embrace it and love it. Your body is an amazing thing! It’s incredible what it can do!

Your contractions are a sign that your body is ready for giving birth. Let the body do the work while you try to relax and focus on each contraction that comes.

Your body is ready for this moment

The pain goes away while the joy stays around

Once that baby is born, you get this incredible feeling of joy and excitement. Your baby has arrived. You meet them with love and happiness. The intense pain is no longer around. Snuggle that bundle of joy mama! You did it!

The pain goes away while the joy stays around

I am strong and courageous

Yes, all women are strong and courageous. You’ve been growing a tiny human for 9 months and let me tell you, that is a strong and courageous feat in itself! Pregnancy comes with its own set of challenges and you are one strong and courageous woman for going through it.

You can definitely do this too!

I am strong and courageous

I am prepared for this moment

It’s so easy to think that you could have done more! Heck, I thought “maybe I should’ve done those 300 squats a day!” that was recommended by one of the natural birth books I read. Go easy on yourself. You’ve done what you can, now it’s time you let your body do what it should!

You’ve got this.

Birthing Affirmations

So there you have it! Feel free to print out this page and cut out the affirmations that resonate with you and put them up around the house as daily reminders. You can also pack them in your hospital bag and put them up in your labor room to help you through this amazing moment.

Good luck mama to be! You can do this!!

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