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How to Walk With 3 Small Kids

2 small toddlers next to baby in a stroller
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Walking is a great form of exercise and can be a lot of fun. Personally, I love walking as I am not a huge fan of running. I walked almost every day with my 2 kids. It was easy! I got a great double stroller, strap them in…and you’re off!! Easy!

Now you have an addition to the family and going for a long walk with 3 kids starts to get a little complicated! I know as I’ve tried a bunch of different ways to walk with 2 toddlers and a baby. Some worked great, others…well, not so well!!

Here is a list of ways that you can walk with 3 kids so you can pick the best way that works for you:

Couple Walking With Small Children

***This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love.  Before implementing any health advice, please check with your doctor first as I am not a medical professional.  Read my full policy for more information.

A Baby Carrier

Baby carriers can be so useful. Especially if your baby loves to snuggle! Simply strap your 2 toddlers into a double stroller and put your baby in a carrier. This turns out to be a seriously good workout as you’re pushing and carrying a lot of weight around. The calories you’ll burn are awesome!

Top Tip: Purchase a good quality baby carrier like this one. It offers better support for you and your baby and you’ll be able to have 2 hands-free to push the stroller!

This is a great option if you and your baby love using baby carriers as it is simple and easy to do.

Unfortunately, baby carriers aren’t for everyone and some babies hate being in carriers. This method is also a challenge in hot weather as your baby may become overheated or uncomfortable.

The Glider Board

This is a great option once your baby is able to use the stroller you have and your oldest child is tall enough. My two-year-old is on the smaller side and he was able to use it comfortably.

The glider board attaches to the back of your stroller and your child simply stands on it while you’re pushing the stroller.

If you already have a double stroller, you’ll need to look into glider boards that are compatible with your stroller. As I have the side-by-side jogger mini, I purchased the Baby Jogger Glider Board.

Downfalls of The Glider Board

Just going to be real here, there are some pretty annoying flaws with this option though. First of all, if you’re a pretty fast walker and take long strides, you will hit the board a lot. It took a while to get used to!

Second of all, the glider board I got would all of a sudden go all kinds of crazy! The wheels would randomly start moving side to side really quickly making it near impossible to push the stroller. I would have to come to a complete stop and then start again. I hated doing that!

The wheels drove me crazy so much, I ended up using my glue gun around the wheels so they would stay locked going forward. It worked! Now the wheels don’t go crazy! The only downfall to this is that I can’t make sharp turns as the glider wheels can’t turn anymore. I’ve now gotten used to turning this way and works well.

I’m sure other glider boards may work better and so this can be a great option for you.

 My kids love using the glider board. It also stows away in seconds and is completely out of the way so if you don’t use it, it’s like it was never there!!

Using a Wagon

Wagons have come a long way since I was young!! Now some of them come with multiple seats and seat belts! Check out this awesome wagon that basically has everything you need! 4 seats with belts, a canopy, and a handlebar that you can use to push (instead of pull!). It also works great on most terrains!

Top Tip: Invest in a wagon that can be pushed easily as pulling a wagon for long distances isn’t ideal for your back!

This is a great option for you if the above methods won’t work for you.

Walk With Another Person

This method is great if you have someone that is available to walk with you. Maybe a family member, husband, or partner. Have them take one stroller while you take the double stroller.

This is a great option if you already have a single and double stroller and you have someone available to walk when you want.

I use this method on the weekends when my husband is free. Otherwise, this wouldn’t work for me as I tend to walk when everyone else is typically unavailable.

2 Moms Walking With Strollers

Have Your Oldest Child Ride a Bike

This is a great option if you are planning to walk a short distance and your oldest child is confident enough to ride a bike. It’s best if you have them ride in front of you so you can keep an eye on them. Simply push your 2 little ones in a double stroller and have your oldest child ride a bike in front of you.

This option isn’t the best if you plan on going for a long walk or your child gets tired of riding their bike easily.

Young Girl Riding Bike

And Finally…The Triple Stroller

Yes, they do exist. You can get a 3 or even 4 person stroller. I will say though, these strollers are bulky and can be tough to maneuver. It does make for a great workout though!

This is a great option if you plan to walk long distances on a regular basis and you prefer using strollers. The plus side of this option is that each child will have their own seat.

Simply strap your 3 little ones in and you’re ready to walk whenever you want!

So there you have it! Hopefully, now you can still enjoy your long walks with 3 or even 4 kids! Have fun out there mama!!

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