How to Recover From Your Postpartum Pain Quickly

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Well, I’ve been in the postpartum phase 3 times and I was able to quickly recover from my second and third birth.  Unfortunately, my first took a whole lot longer as I ended up having a severe tear and I did nothing to aid in the healing process.  HUGE mistake!!

Anyways, each birth and postpartum recovery will be different, so here are some tips to help you heal quicker!

***This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love.  Before implementing any health advice, please check with your doctor first as I am not a medical professional.  Read my full policy for more information.

1. Use Cooling Pads

These cooling pads are a MUST! The hospital gave me some and they felt amazing!! If you’re feeling a burning or itchy sensation, this will help so much.  Put a couple on top of your pad every time you go and this will really help take the edge off.

This was great after I tore, but I mistakenly stopped using them when I ran out. I didn’t buy anymore as I thought it was a hospital thing, but I realized later on that these cooling pads were widely available.

On a budget?….. no problem, open a pad (keep the wrapper on), squirt some aloe gel on it, and close it up.  You can also put these in the freezer if you want them to be cooler. Then use when needed.

2. The Magical Spray Works Wonders

I call it magical because it honestly felt like magic when I used it! It brought me instant relief! I used this spray for all 3 recoveries so I highly recommend this one!!  This was a lifesaver, especially when I used it straight after my non-medicated natural births as it really cooled down the burning I felt after!  This spray is widely available in stores and is super effective.

3. Try Using Perineal Ice Packs

Ok, so I’m not going to lie here, but these perineal ice packs do feel a bit weird, especially when you sit with one on, but it really helps!! I wished I used these after my first birth, but they didn’t look comfortable, so I just didn’t.

My second birth recovery was so smooth, I didn’t really have to do anything after the first few days.  It was amazing!

After the third birth, however, I had random bouts of pain and pressure so these ice packs gave me instant relief!  They were amazing!! Have some at the ready in case you need them.

4. Try a Sitz Bath

If the other methods don’t work or you’re recovering from stitches, this is a great way to aid the healing process.  I wish I knew this the first time around as I bet it would have helped.

As the other methods worked great for me the second and third time around, I didn’t need to do this.  A sitz bath is a small shallow bowl filled with water and a sitz bath salt.  Then all you have to do is soak your vajayjay!! I’ve heard it helps a bunch and also makes you feel fresh and clean “down there”!

5. Use a Peri Bottle

Regardless of whether you need stitches or not, you will need to use a peri bottle after you go to the bathroom.  Trust me on this, after you’ve given birth, the last thing you’ll want to do is to use toilet paper!  Instead, fill a peri bottle with warm water and squirt it after you go. It will help you feel clean and refreshed.

After a few weeks of healing, flushable wipes always helped me feel clean!!

6. Do Your Kegel Exercises

So I did this after my second and third birth, and it really helped with my incontinence. It also helped me strengthen my muscles “down there”.

I would do my Kegels at every feeding so I would remember to do this!!

For some reason, I had pressure down there at random times, and doing Kegels with an ice pack really helped.  As the pressure was minor, I knew it was a normal part of the healing process. If the pressure is painful or severe, please speak with your doctor as it could be a sign of a birth injury.

Kegels really helped me handle the pain and sensations “down there” and can also help you recover from some very minor birthing injuries you may have had in labor.

7. Set Up a Postpartum Box in Your Bathroom

I did this for my second and third baby and it was amazing!!  I grabbed a box and put all my postpartum essentials in it and put it right beside the toilet within arm’s reach.  It had the pads, ice packs, tucks, spray, disposable panties, and anything else I needed.  That way if I went to the bathroom and I needed some healing, I grabbed what I needed and it was perfect!

When I recovered, I put it in the closet and brought it back out after my third baby.

Postpartum recovery can be quick or slow.  Remember, your body has been through a lot of changes during the whole 9 months and your body needs time to heal.  Take it easy and enjoy this time with your little one!

You got this mama!

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