How to Lose the Baby Weight Safely, While Breastfeeding

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After I had my first baby, I just waited until my weight just magically disappeared. Well, 8 months went by and I didn’t lose any weight. I was the biggest I had ever been and didn’t feel very healthy. I had to start doing something!

I watched my calories like a hawk and exercised as much as I could. Luckily, I lost all the baby weight in 4 months. This technique felt a little brutal to be honest. There must be an easier way.

After my second and third baby, I was able to lose 40lbs by 2 months (I lost 20 lbs after I had the baby, then another 20lbs by 2 months).

It was so much easier than the first time. Here is what I did to lose weight:

***This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love.  Before implementing any health advice, please check with your doctor first as I am not a medical professional.  Read my full policy for more information.


Did you know that breastfeeding burns an extra 500-700 calories a day (Source)? This was news to me! Unfortunately, I failed to breastfeed my first baby and didn’t lose any weight at all.

As I successfully breastfed my second and third babies, I lost a lot of weight. It was awesome in the first week as I was already losing weight while resting to recover from birth.

Although this sounds amazing and an easy way to lose weight, you need to be careful. Your supply can be affected if you don’t replenish those calories burnt. Your body needs that energy to produce milk. That’s why it is important to stay active and eat well while you breastfeed.

breastfeeding tips

Keeping Active

Keeping active is an important step to recovery. Remember to start slow as your body has just been through a massive change and make sure you get the ok from your doctor.

Start by taking small, slow walks to get your body used to being active again. Once you are confident, speed up the pace and increase your distance. If you are feeling confident and love to run, go for it. Start slow and steady before you start to increase your pace and distance.

I know it feels like you are starting from scratch, but it is worth it. Keeping active has so many benefits to the healing process.

pregnant woman exercising

Do Gentle Exercise

Certain exercises can help you lose weight and aid with the healing process. Some of you will have a slight or major ab separation (known as diastasis recti).

Certain exercises (like front planks, crunches, and sit-ups) can make this worse and your “mommy pooch” will appear bigger.

Here are some great gentle exercises that will help close any gaps you have in your abs:

Toe Taps

Lay on your back with your feet to the floor and your knees bent. Your back should be pressed to the floor. Slowly, raise one foot and bring your leg up with your knee still bent. Slowly bring your leg down and tap the floor. Repeat with the other leg. You should feel your abs tighten.

Heel Slides

Lay on your back with your back pressed toward the floor. Place your feet on the ground with your knees bent. Slowly, slide your heel until your leg is straight. Bring your foot up to where you started moving slowly. Repeat with the other leg.

Knee Drops

With your back pressed toward the floor and your legs bent, slowly bring your knee toward the floor. Go as far are you can. Slowly bring your leg up to where you started. Repeat with the other leg.

Ab Squeeze

Lay on your back with your back pressed towards the floor. Squeeze your abs together and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Increase the time and reps once you feel comfortable.

Glute Bridge

With your back on the floor and your knees bent (Arms will be straight beside you). With your head firmly on the ground, slowly raise your back and butt up to a 45-degree angle. Your back should remain straight. Hold the position for as long as you can.

Always stop exercising if you start to hurt. Start off slow by only doing a few reps at a time.

Gradually increase this over time. Feeling confident…wear some ankle weights to boost your strength!

Kegel Exercises

This is an important one to remember! Kegels can help strengthen and tone certain muscles. It can also prevent or improve any incontinence issues you may have.

If you have never done this before and have no idea how to do Kegels, don’t worry, it’s easy!!

You work out the same muscles you use to pee! It’s as if you are trying to clench that pee in. Squeeze these muscles together and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this 5 times. You can do this as many times as you like throughout the day.

I usually do this while I’m feeding my baby (so it becomes a habit) and I don’t forget. Doing this regularly will also help with the healing process so it’s worth a try!

Eat Well

Now, I’ll be completely honest with you here…I do love a good burger! I eat salads here and there but not all the time! Guilty!! I believe that you should enjoy your favorite foods, but you do need to have a good balance.

This worked well for me. If I were craving a burger, I would skip the fries and replace them with a salad. If I were wanting fries, I would accompany them with a healthy chicken salad.

Portion sizes are also important to consider as well. I was shocked when I looked more closely at the calorie count on my favorite bag of chips.

At first, I thought, ok, 150 calories aren’t bad…but when you look at the “portion size” I realized it was actually 150 calories for 5 chips! I mean, who eats just 5 chips??! That’s unfair!! This is where they “trick you” into thinking the calories aren’t bad but they are!! You end up eating more and wonder why you keep gaining weight (this was me!).

Eat more of the “better” calories and less of the high-calorie foods to help you shed the weight! Enjoy the foods you love…but try not to overindulge.

This does take a little self-discipline, but it is worth it when you get into this habit!

healthy foods

Every woman is different. I heard someone lost 60lbs of their baby weight in 6 weeks. This wasn’t me!

My body took more time to lose weight. There is so much pressure to lose the baby weight as fast as possible. I get it! I wanted my body back as quickly as possible. It’s ok! Take your time. Do it at a pace that suits you!

You look good mama! You got this!!

weight loss for new moms

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