How to Get Pregnant Fast

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If you have decided to take a leap of faith and start your family, it can be hard to know where to begin! You’ve tried all this time to not get pregnant, but now you’re ready! What now?

I literally had no idea about how the whole cycle thing worked…all I knew was that I bled once a month. That’s it! Once I looked into it, I realized there was a lot more to it when trying to get pregnant!

The first time I got pregnant, it happened a lot faster than I expected. It was crazy!

The second time I was pregnant, I sadly miscarried at 13 weeks.  After my miscarriage, it felt like a struggle to get pregnant again. Months went by, with what felt like disappointment after disappointment.

I then realized what I was doing differently from the first time (when I got pregnant fast). I followed these tips and the next cycle, I was pregnant! Wahoo!! This is what I did:

TTC pregnancy tips

***This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love.  Before implementing any health advice, please check with your doctor first as I am not a medical professional.  Read my full policy for more information.

1.  Understand How Your Cycles Work

Yea, I had no clue about this one until we decided to have a baby, but this is a key element to getting pregnant fast.

The average cycle is around 28 days which starts with your 5 day period. After your period stops, your lining starts to thicken again, which can take about 5-7 days.

Then comes the “window of opportunity”. Now, here’s the crazy part…your egg is only good for 24 hours once it’s released! Yikes! That’s not very long! Sperm on the other hand can live for up to 5 days in a woman’s body given the right conditions (source).

woman's cycle

So, what do I mean by the right conditions?… Well, if you pay attention to your cervical mucus (yea that yucky stuff that ends up in your panties!), you’ll notice that it changes depending on where you are in your cycle. Wet, clear, and slimy cervical mucus (egg white consistency) is a perfect condition for sperm to thrive, so you’re probably in your window of opportunity! Have fun!!

After your egg is released, and if the sperm is successful, it can then take 6-12 days for implantation to occur! Once implantation has occurred, your body starts producing hCG.

implantation date

Once your hCG levels are high enough, they can be detected on a pregnancy test. This is why it is advised to wait until the day of your missed period before taking a pregnancy test to get the best results.

If you are wondering how pregnancy is calculated, find out how it is here.

If the sperm didn’t make contact this time around, you will get your period in around 2 weeks and the cycle will start again.

Every cycle is different so dates and timing can differ. I used a tracking app to help me understand my cycles better! I used the Ovia tracking app which is free. They also have a pregnancy version once you get that Big Fat Positive (BFP).

2.   Don’t Stress

If either you or your partner is stressed, it makes it difficult to conceive. Relax and try not to think about it. Trying for a baby should be fun!

When we were trying for our third baby, I realized that we were trying way too hard to have a baby. It didn’t work. As soon as we said, “Hey, if it happens it, happens!”.  We were successful the next month!

I also found it helpful to enjoy the moment (instead of thinking… “I hope I have a baby, I hope I have a baby, I hope I have a baby!”). Instead, I just “let go” and took the whole baby thing out of my mind!

3.   Don’t Let Your Partner “Hold it In”

I’ve heard some women make their husband “hold it in” until the big “O” day so they could have a better chance. This is simply not true!! The fresher the sperm, the better!! (Source)

Once your man has ejaculated, it gets rid of the old sperm that’s been just sitting there. New sperm is then produced which is fresh and ready to meet the egg!!

The more times you make love in your window of opportunity, the more chances you’ll have getting pregnant!

4.   Good Nutrition

It is important to eat well while you are trying to conceive (TTC) as poor nutrition can have a negative impact on your ability to conceive.

To help you conceive quickly, you’ll need to have a balanced diet. Folic acids, proteins, and foods high in calcium are the best sources of nutrition if you are trying to get pregnant (source).

healthy foods

It’s best to start taking a good quality prenatal vitamin while you are TTC as it can replenish any nutrients you may be missing. This prenatal is packed full of natural ingredients to provide the nourishment you need to help keep your reproductive system as healthy as possible. Keeping your uterus healthy can help better your chances of conceiving.

5.   Avoid Added Pressure

I know, I know…easier said than done! I get it! You get married and all of a sudden, EVERYONE is waiting for you to get pregnant! They constantly ask questions to probe your current pregnancy status. This can be very stressful!

It doesn’t help, when you constantly get asked by your friends, or your mom is always reminding you that she wants to be a grandmother right now! This is added pressure and stress, which can hinder your chances.

I told people that I might not be able to have kids. I mean, I had no idea if I could! It’s not like your doctor tells you that you have the perfect insides for a baby! You have to try before you know you can!

I used this to my advantage. By saying that I might not be able to have kids (as I really didn’t know), people stopped asking questions and the pressure was relieved. I never ever told anyone we were trying as this would cause more pressure and more questions!

6.   Most Importantly, Have Fun!

Making love shouldn’t feel like a chore. I’ve heard some women say they didn’t really feel like it, but they were ovulating, so they had to! It can’t be helpful if you are not really into it!

Avid tracking can have an impact on having fun as well. Instead of “letting go” and enjoying the moment, you think “I hope this is it!”. It doesn’t help. Have an understanding and basic gist of your cycle so you know your window. If you know the exact time and day…it can have an impact on your mind and body! Enjoy this moment and have fun with it!!

happy couple

I wish I could guarantee that you will get pregnant fast by doing this, but unfortunately, I can’t. There are a lot of factors that go into pregnancy and everyone is different. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns or if it is taking longer than it should (1 year if you are under 35 and 6 months if you are over 35). (Source).

I hope this works for you as it did for me! Good luck!!

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