7 Benefits of Having a Natural Birth

Natural Birth
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Are you still unsure of whether you should prepare for a natural birth or plan to have a medicated birth? There are many reasons why having a natural birth is an amazing option.

When I decided to have an unmedicated natural birth, my friends and family didn’t understand why. Why would you go through all that pain when you can just numb it all?!

I was constantly reminded how painful it would be and that I would probably be begging for the epidural. I got the “rolled eyes”, that “weird look” as if to say “you’re crazy!”, and was even laughed at. I had to stop telling people about my birth wishes.

Despite everyone’s doubts, I did it! Not just once…but twice!! Best experiences I’ve ever had! Even my husband was shocked and impressed that I did it! It was the best decision I made as there were so many benefits to having a natural birth.

Here, is a list of benefits of having a natural birth to help you decide whether it’s the right option for you:

Having a natural birth

***This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love.  Before implementing any health advice, please check with your doctor first as I am not a medical professional.  Read my full policy for more information.

 #1. Chances of a C-Section Decrease

Shockingly, many women opt for c-sections now as they think it’s “easier” and you won’t have to deal with labor. Well, I’ve spoken to a mom who’s had both an unmedicated birth and a c-section. She said, “hands down, the c-section was way more painful.”

The recovery is longer and you need to take medication to help deal with the pain. If you have a smooth natural birth, the recovery is so much quicker.

C-sections are a major surgery! Not to be taken lightly. Now, I believe in the health of you and your baby take priority and c-sections are great when it is needed. We are lucky to have this option as I know it can help save lives. If it is unnecessary though, we should try to avoid it.

The more interventions you have, the risk of needing a c-section increase. An epidural is considered an intervention that can lead to complications or a c-section. By avoiding the epidural, you are minimizing your risk of needing an emergency c-section.

#2. You Feel Elated When The Baby Arrives

So epidurals numb the pain. It also numbs the excitement you feel when the baby comes! I felt such a “high” after giving birth that I could hardly sleep! I was awake and didn’t feel groggy. It was awesome.

When I had my first baby, I opted for an epidural and I was exhausted after giving birth. I was so exhausted after giving birth, I had a tough time taking care of my newborn.

By opting out of the epidural for my second and third births, I had more excitement and energy which helped me through the first few days with my newborn. This made it so much easier to care for my new baby.

#3. Lowers Your Chances of Stitches

With a natural birth, you can feel EVERYTHING! This is actually a good thing as you can easily breathe the baby downwards and work with your body to bear down at the right time. It becomes less forceful allowing your Vijay jay to open on cue so your baby can come more smoothly.

I tore during my first medicated birth and it sucked! The recovery was horrible. Now, I did do a perennial massage to prepare as well which I know helped, but being able to listen to my body helped prevent major tearing!

#4. People Think You Are a Superhero!

So, this one really surprised me! I thought people would think I’d lost my mind or was weird for having a natural birth. Instead, they were impressed and genuinely happy for me that it worked out.

To be honest, you do feel like a superhero after giving birth and it’s an incredible feeling you wouldn’t want to miss! To me, all moms are superheroes no matter how they give birth. It’s challenging but it’s also the best feeling in the world!

#5. It’s Empowering

Your body was designed to give birth. It was also designed with coping mechanisms so you can handle the pains of childbirth. There’s just a technique to it. Here is a list of different techniques you can use to help you through your natural birth.

The reason childbirth is so painful for many is because we go into fear and flight mode which causes us to tense up. This is the worst thing you can do and the pain will be unbearable.

There’s a huge sense of empowerment when you allow your body to do what it’s designed to do!

#6. The Pushing Phase Takes Less Work and Less Energy

This was also a shock to me! I didn’t have to push at all with my 2 natural labors and the pushing phase felt like it lasted for seconds. I didn’t have to push the baby out as I let my body do the work. When you have an epidural, it does take a lot of work when it comes to the pushing phase which can be exhausting.

For my first birth, I had to push for 10 seconds, rest for 10 seconds…repeat 3 times. My husband tried to do it with me and nearly passed out. This is also known as “purple pushing”. It was exhausting beyond belief. It took 45 minutes of pushing this way until my baby was here.

I was really struggling and thought I would never want to give birth again. I was traumatized by what happened and I was physically and mentally exhausted. All I wanted was to be alone when everyone else wanted to see me and my baby.

Fast forward to my next 2 births and it was a more calm and relaxed birth. No purple pushing. I just breathed my baby downward when I felt the urge to push. The baby was here in no time and it was so much easier and quicker!

#7. You Have More Freedom

I loved having the freedom to move around, eat and drink when I wanted. It was a complete difference from my first birth which was induced. All I could eat was ice chips. I hate ice chips. It sucked. I was starving and all I could have was ice chips.

With my natural births, they gave me popsicles, jello, and energy drinks which helped me keep up my energy.

I also loved being able to stand in the shower. It was so relieving and relaxing. Most of my active labor phase was spent in a nice warm shower. When you have an epidural, you are stuck to your bed and can’t move!

The birthing experience was definitely better and there weren’t any strict rules I had to abide by. Having the freedom to birth your way can feel empowering as well so it’s worth a shot!

Personally, I loved my natural births. I was prepared for the big day (find out how I prepared here). Natural births aren’t for everyone though and that’s ok! The most important aspect of giving birth is to make decisions that are best for you and your baby. Your health and their health are top priorities. If your birth doesn’t go to plan, it’s ok mama! As long as you and your baby are happy and safe!

Good luck mama!

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