A Simple Guide to The Different Natural Birth Methods

preparing for natural birth
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I was extremely lucky to be able to have 2 successful, natural, unmedicated births. They were both amazing and positive experiences! It was well worth all the preparation and research I did. Find out more about how I prepared here.

Nowadays, there are a lot of different methods and philosophies for having a natural birth. The aim of these methods is to empower women to know their options and to help them conquer the pains of childbirth.

For me, I had no idea which method to pick. What happened if I picked the wrong one? What if I ended up choosing a method I hated, then ended up having a c-section? I had so many questions and so few answers. So what did I do? I researched them all. I even bought the books where I could!

So here’s a breakdown of the methods I looked into:

Natural Birthing Techniques

***This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love.  Before implementing any health advice, please check with your doctor first as I am not a medical professional.  Read my full policy for more information.

Lamaze Technique

The Lamaze technique is widely used across the globe. This technique uses deep controlled breathing, relaxation, and concentration to decrease your perception of pain. This method does take practice and does require attending a class (preferably with your partner).

The classes will go over all the breathing techniques and will also inform you of your options so you can feel confident about your decisions.

As I already had a baby at home, in-class learning wasn’t really an option for me at the time so I wasn’t able to participate in this technique. I absolutely would have chosen this method if I was able to attend the classes.

I’ve heard many success stories coming from this method so it’s worth looking into if you have the time to attend the classes.

The Lamaze technique is for you if you:

  • Prefer in-person classes
  • Need a human guide to help you through the different breathing techniques
  • Want to learn more about your birthing options and what to expect

Avoid this method if:

  • You or your partner can’t commit to classes
  • You don’t live near a Lamaze class
  • There are no classes scheduled before you give birth

Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is all about movement. The theory is that, if you move in the right way, adjust your posture, and eat well, you’ll have an easier birth.

This technique does require you to take an in-person class, as the instructor will correct your positioning and show you how your posture should be.

Applying the Alexander Technique through pregnancy can lead to better breathing, which can help you stay calm and focused. This can then aid you in the dilation process so the baby can be pushed out easily.

The Alexander Technique is for you if you:

  • Already experience a lot of lower back pain or pain associated with poor posture
  • Need physical guidance on your posture
  • Would like in-person learning

Avoid this method if you:

  • Are not able to commit to classes
  • Already position yourself well for birth
  • Don’t live near any classes

The Bradley Method

The Bradley Method basically teaches your birthing partner how to help you through labor. I’ve heard many success stories from this method. It’s a chance for you and your partner to be involved in the whole labor and birthing process.

Not only does The Bradley Method train your birthing partner to be your “birthing coach”, but they also emphasize the importance of nutrition, exercise, breathing, relaxation, and learning to trust your body.

Something to bear in mind…these classes are 12 weeks long so it is a pretty big commitment if you plan on taking the classes. If you do want to take the classes, don’t wait until the last minute. I was 28 weeks when I looked into this and the next running class was 3 months away! Oops!

I personally read the book and it was very informative about their techniques and how to implement them. As their book had a lot of great information, I wouldn’t have needed to take the classes anyway.

The Bradley Method is for you if you:

  • Are looking for a method that covers nutrition, breathing techniques, exercises, and more
  • Need extra help with having a healthy pregnancy
  • Would like in-person learning or can learn from a book
  • Have a birthing partner that wants to learn how to be your coach through labor

Avoid this method if you:

  • Don’t have the time to commit
  • Have a partner that is uninterested in learning about the labor process
  • You are close to giving birth


I love, love, love this method!! I credit my successful natural births to this method. Thank you, Marie Mongan! You are a true star to me!

Now, being completely honest with you here…first, I was really skeptical about this method. Like, really skeptical! I don’t believe in hypnosis. I’ve seen a few hypnotists on stage and I never fell for it! I think it isn’t real and it’s all a bunch of bologna!

So, naturally, I shrugged it away and thought it was one of those “oh, here you can have a pain free birth without medication if you spend all this money” scheme!

Well, my curiosity got the better of me and I bought this book (it didn’t cost a fortune so what would I lose, right?). My mind was literally BLOWN! I mean, she even makes fun of those hypnotists on stage and reassures you that this method is nothing like that!!

This method does have classes but I was able to do it in my own time by reading the book and listening to the “rainbow relaxation” every day. I then listened to the “birthing affirmations” closer to my due date which helped me gain the confidence I needed.

preparing for natural birth

HypnoBirthing teaches you to go into deep relaxation at any given time so you can cope with each contraction. It worked great for me and I’m a complete wimp!

After I did this, I then found out that Kate Middleton used this method with all 3 of her natural births and she looked amazing after each one!

HypnoBirthing is for you if you:

  • Are lazy (as it requires 20 minutes of idle sitting, no crazy intense workouts here..wahoo!)
  • Can’t attend classes as the book coaches you through it
  • Have a low tolerance of pain
  • Have 20 minutes of peaceful time (even if it’s just before bed!)

I made it work with 2 wild toddlers in the house, so it can be done!

Avoid this method if you:

  • Don’t want to commit to 20 minutes a day
  • Are close to giving birth
  • Don’t believe in meditations or hypnosis

Birthing From Within

I’ll be honest with you here, I read part of this book and quickly realized this method wasn’t for me so I didn’t read the whole thing.

The basic gist of this method is using the arts to get you through your birth. It involves journal writing, painting, and other artsy techniques to help you connect with your body more so you can birth easier!

The one thing I remember most about this book is that they tell you to bake a cake while you’re in labor. I’m not sure why, but this made me laugh!! I would LOVE to see someone bake a cake while they’re in labor! I guess it’s a good distraction for early labor, but with both of my natural labors, I just looked at the cake pans and went…nope!! Not for me!

Now, I did try some of the drawings and it was pretty fun!! I drew a cave with a wave flowing in and out to represent my thoughts of contractions. I think the visualization helped, but as my drawing skills are terrible, it just made me laugh when I thought of it! So here it is for your entertainment:

Anyways, this method is great if you love to journal and draw. If you are artsy, read this book as I think it could be very beneficial to you!

Birthing From Within is for you if you:

  • Love to journal or draw
  • Have an artistic nature
  • Are in-tune with nature and love the holistic approach

Avoid this method if you:

  • Know art isn’t your thing
  • Don’t want to commit to journaling
  • Prefer a more traditional approach

So there you have it, a quick summary of the different methods you can use to help you through your natural birth. Everyone is different here, so what worked for me may not work for you and vice versa! Pick a method you love and one that resonates with you!

I wish I could say that these techniques will completely eliminate your pain, but they don’t. Giving birth is painful no matter how you end up giving birth. These techniques will help you prepare and know how to handle the pain so you can get through it!

Good luck mama to be! You got this!

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