Hi, and welcome to The Nurturing Mom.  Here, you will hopefully find some useful information on motherhood from pregnancy to adolescence in order to help you navigate through this amazing journey! So grab a coffee, put your feet up, and take a look around!


Hello! My name is Rachel and I am a mother of 3, wife, engineer, early childhood educator and someone with a ton of passion for helping others. I have 3 beautiful girls that are 11, 9 and 7 years old and keep our household on its toes.

The biggest lesson I have learned in the last 11 years is that I am not alone and that talking to other parents is hugely beneficial and can offer solutions that you may never have thought of. My husband, Warren and I have decided that through “The Nurturing Mom” we want to share tips that we have learned in the past 11 years, so if there is someone out there that feels like they are alone, realize that you’re not and that we are here with you. 

On this website we will discuss everything from birth through to raising young adults; sleep issues to menu planning to travel tips. As well as issues that Warren and I never envisioned, like ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety and depression. 

Welcome to our website! I hope that something on here resonates with you and helps you in your parenting journey. Parenting is a roller coaster with lots of highs and lows, it is the hardest but most rewarding thing we have ever done. Happy Reading!